Annual Conference Records
Conference Order | Data | University | Topic in Plenary Session | Journal Volume |
63rd | June 3-4, 2023 | Kanagawa University | Global Economic System in a Turbulent Geopolitical Environment | |
62nd | June11-12, 2022 | Hakodate University (HyFlex) | State Governance and Corporate Behavior: China and Russia | Vol.60, No.1&2 |
61st | June 4-6, 2021 | Soka University (HyFlex) | COVID-19 x Economic Crisis: A Comparative Economic Theory Approach | Vol.59, No.1&2 |
60th | November 28-29, 2020 | Seinan Gakuin University (online) | The Uncertain Future of the Free Trade System: From the Perspective of Comparative Economic Regimes | Vol.58, No. 2& Vol.59, No.2 |
59th | June 22-23, 2019 | Hitotsubashi Auditorium, Hitotsubashi University | Populist Politics and the European Economy | Vol.57, No.1 |
58th | June 9-10, 2018 | Hokkaido University | Comparison and Relations among Eurasian Regional Powers | Vol.56. No.1 |
57th | September 16-17, 2017 | Kansai University, | Toward a World-Class Comparative Economics | Vol.55, No.1 |
14th (Autumn) | November 12, 2016 | Osaka University of Economics and Law | None | |
56th | June 4-5, 2016 | Hirosaki University | National Economy and Globalizing Industrial Development: A Comparative Economic Approach | Vol. 54, No. 2 |
55th | November 7-8, 2015 | Nihon University | Tectonic Shifts in the World Economy | Vol. 53, No. 2 |
13th (Autumn) | October 25, 2014 | Bunri University of Hospitality | The Ukraine Crisis and Russia | Vol. 52, No. 2 |
54th | June 7-8, 2014 | Yamaguchi University | Political Economy in Russia, Central Asia, and China: On “State Capitalism (including Authoritarianism) “ | Vol. 52, No. 1 |
12th (Autumn) | November 8, 2013 | Nihon University | “National Progress and National Retrenchment’ in Asia” & “Migration and Labor in Transition Economies” | Vol. 52, No. 1 |
53rd | June 1-2, 2013 | Niigata University | Historical, Meta-Analytical, and Spatial Approaches to Comparative Economics | Vol. 51, No. 1 & 2 |
11th (Autumn) | October 20, 2012 | Osaka University | Microeconometric Analysis of the Chinese Economy | Vol. 50, No. 2 |
52nd | June 2-3, 2012 | Teikyo University | Experiences of Socialism and Transition: Lessons for the Future | Vol. 50, No. 1 |
10th (Autumn) | October 8, 2011 | Hitotsubashi University | None | |
51st | June 4-5, 2011 | Kobe University | Varieties of Emerging Economies: Typologies of Non-developed Economies | Vol. 49, No. 2 |
9th (Autumn) | October 16, 2010 | Sophia University | None | |
50th | June 5-6, 2010 | Osaka City University | Emerging Economies in the Global Economy | Vol. 48, No. 1 |
8th (Autumn) | October 24, 2009 | Ritsumeikan University | Comparative Economic Analysis One Year after the Global Financial Crisis and Recessions | Vol. 47, No. 2 |
49th | June 6-7, 2009 | Kokugakuin University | “Economic Analysis of Dictatorships: Past and Present,” “Government-Business Relations in Transitional Economic Systems,” and “(Emergency Panel) The Global Financial Crisis and Transition Countries” | Vol. 47, No. 1 |
7th (Autumn) | October 18, 2008 | Yokohama National University | “Brus and Kornai on Socialist Economic Regimes Theory: Retrospect, Evaluation, and Prospects,” and “Households and Poverty in Transition Economies” | Vol. 46, No. 2 |
48th | May 31-June 1, 2008 | Takasaki City University of Economics | Diverse Approaches to Regime Comparison | Vol.46, No. 1 |
6th (Autumn) | October 27, 2007 | Hosei University | Is the Transition Over? | Vol.45, No. 2 |
47th | June 2-3, 2007 | University of Toyama | Development and Environment in East Asia | Vol. 45, No. 1 |
5th (Autumn) | October 28, 2006 | Kobe University | None | Vol. 44, No. 2 |
46th | October 28, 2006 | Hitotsubashi University | New Horizons in Comparative Economics Studies: Theory and Evidence | Vol. 44, No. 1 |
4th (Autumn) | October 29, 2005 | Meiji University | None | Vol. 44, No. 1 |
45th | June 4-5, 2005 | J. F. Oberlin University | Types of Market Economies: Developing and Transitional Economies | Vol. 43, No. 2 |
3rd (Autumn) | November 27, 2004 | Surugadai Memorial Hall, Chuo University | None | Vol. 43, No. 1 |
44th | June 4-5, 2004 | Osaka University of Economics | None | Vol. 42, No. 2 |
2nd (Autumn) | November 1, 2003 | Center for Cultural Exchange, Osaka City University | None | Vol. 42, No. 1 |
43rd | June 6-7, 2003 | University of Tokyo | Contemporary Transition Economies in Historical Perspective | ol. 41, No. 1 & Vol. 41, No. 2 |
1st (Autumn) | November 16, 2002 | Nihon University | None | Nihon University |
42nd | June 7-8, 2002 | Okayama University | Industrial Structural Transformation in Transition Countries | Vol. 40, No. 1 and Vol. 40, No. 2 |
41st | June 1-2, 2001 | Hokkaido University | Types of Transition Economies | Vol. 39 |
40th | June 1-3, 2000 | Nagoya Gakuin University | “Transitional Market Economies and the Introduction of Foreign Capital / Transitional Market Economies and Safety Nets” | Vol. 38 |
39th | June 3-5, 1999 | Yokohama National University | International Economy, International Finance and Transition Economies | Vol. 37 |
38th | June 5-7, 1998 | Hokuriku University | The Role of Government in Transition Countries | Vol. 36 |
37th | June 5-7, 1997 | Asahikawa University | International Relations in Systemic Transformation | Vol. 35 |
36th | May 30-June 1, 1996 | Ritsumeikan University | State-Owned Enterprises Reform: Current Status and Challenges | Vol. 34 |
35th | June 8-10, 1995 | Nihon University | Comparative Political and Economic Analysis of China and Russia | Vol. 33 |
34th | May 19-21, 1994 | Gifu Keizai University | “Past and Future of Comparative Economic Regimes”, “Policy Change in the Process of Transition to a Market Economy” | (Vol. 32 |
33rd | May 27-29, 1993 | Hokkaido University | The Current Status and Prospects of Regime Transformation: A Comparative Analysis of the Former Soviet Union (Russia), Central and Eastern Europe, and China | Vol. 31 |
32nd | June 5-7, 1992 | Kagawa University | The Collapse of Soviet and East European Socialism: Roots, Present Situation, and Prospects | Vol. 30 |
31st | May 17-18, 1991 | Chuo University | Systemic Transformation of Socialist Economies | Vol. 29 |
30th | May 18-19, 1990 | Seinan Gakuin University | The Current Phase of Economic Reforms and the Search for a New System | Vol. 28 |
29th | May 20-21, 1989 | Fukushima University | A Multidimensional Analysis of Economic Perestroika | Vol. 27 |
28th | June 24-25, 1988 | Okinawa International University | Perestroika and New Developments in Socialist Economic Theory | Vol. 26 |
27th | June 5-6, 1987 | Chiba University of Commerce | The Current State of and Prospects for Contemporary Socialism | Vol. 25 |
26th | June 6-7, 1986 | Matsuyama University of Commerce | Growth and Equilibrium of Socialist Economies: Current Situation and Problems in Each Country | Vol. 24 |
25th | June 8-9, 1985 | Tohoku University | The Second Wave of Economic Reforms | Vol. 23 |
24th | June 8-9, 1984 | Osaka City University | Small-Scale Production and Management Units in Socialist Economies | Vol. 22 |
23rd | June 11-12, 1983 | Waseda University | The Possibility and Reality of Socialism: On the Occasion of the Centennial of Marx’s Death | Vol. 21 |
22nd | May 22-23, 1982 | Yamaguchi University | International Economic Relations of Socialist Countries: In Relation to Domestic Factors | Vol. 20 |
21st | September 27-28, 1981 | Hokkaido University | The Role of Labor Unions in Socialism | Vol. 19 |
20th | May 31-June 1, 1980 | Kyoto University | Socialist Ownership and Planning in the Current Stage | Vol. 18 |
19th | June 2-3, 1979 | Keio University | Various Problems of Socialist Agro-industry at the Present Stage: The Case of China and the Soviet Union | Vol. 17 |
18th | May 13-14, 1978 | Kochi University | Prices in a Socialist Economy: Theory, Institutions, and Current Situation | Vol. 16 |
17th | June 4-5, 1977 | Niigata University | “Analysis of the Current Situation in Socialist Countries | Vol. 15 |
16th | May 22-23, 1976 | Kansai University | Problems of Democracy in Socialist Economic Management | Vol. 14 |
15th | June 21-22, 1975 | Otaru University of Commerce | Economic Problems of COMECON | Vol. 13 |
14th | May 25-26, 1974 | Osaka University of Economics | Various Problems of Management and Labor under Socialism | Vol. 12 |
13th | September 22-23, 1973 | Meiji University | On Socialist Ownership | Vol. 11 |
12th | November 14-15, 1972 | Kagawa University | Socialist Ownership and Enterprise | Vol. 10 |
11th | June 5-6, 1971 | Yokohama Yakugyo Kaikan Hall | None | Vol. 9 |
10th | July 13-14, 1970 | Aichi University | None | Vol. 9 |
9th | November 10, 1969 | Ritsumeikan University | None | Vol. 8 |
8th | October 7, 1968 | Meiji University | None | Vol. 8 |
7th | October 26-27, 1967 | Hitotsubashi University | Distribution According to Labor and Material Stimulus | Vol. 7 |
6th | November 4, 1966 | Josui Kaikan | On the New Socialist Planned Economic System | Vol. 6 |
5th | November 12, 1965 | Osaka City University | None | Vol. 5 |
4th | May 7, 1965 | Rikkyo University | None | Vol. 4 |
3rd | October 31, 1964 | Ritsumeikan University | None | Vol. 3 |
2nd | May 8, 1964 | Josui Kaikan | None | Vol. 2 |
1st | November 14, 1963 | Osaka Labor Hall | On Understanding the Theorem of Socialist Economics | Vol. 1 |