
Japanese journal of

Comparative Economics

About the Japanese Journal of Comparative Economics (JJCE)

The Japanese Journal of Comparative Economics (JJCE) is published semiannually as a refereed journal.

We welcome submissions from members of the JACES. Three types of manuscripts are acceptable: academic papers, research notes, and book reviews. Manuscripts must be written in either Japanese or English.

The word limit is 8,250 words for papers, 6,600 words for research notes, and 2,550 words for book reviews in English. In Japanese, the limit is 22,000 characters for papers, 8,000 characters for research notes, and 6,800 characters for book reviews. Figures and tables are also subject to the word limit.

Information regarding manuscript submission is available here. Manuscripts should be sent as e-mail attachments to the following Editorial Board address:

jaces.edit at (replace at with @)

When writing manuscripts, please read carefully and strictly follow the guidelines for authors on the website of the Japanese Journal of Comparative Economics on J-STAGE.

Acceptance or rejection will be based on a first round of review by the Editorial Board and a second round of review by anonymous reviewers. Final publication decisions usually take three to four months.

In principle, all articles published in the Journal written solely by young researchers (graduate student members and regular members under 40 years of age) who have been members of JACES for two or more consecutive years are automatically eligible for the JACES Research Encouragement Award. All eligible members are especially encouraged to submit their papers.

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